Posted: 07 Oct 2016
Author: London Sperm Bank

“Sperm donors needed. Expenses paid!”

Many of you would have seen these adverts on Facebook, social networks and on the Tube, but what does becoming a sperm donor really mean for our recipients?

There are many women across the UK who require donor sperm either due to infertility or the absence of a male partner. The UK has historically had problems recruiting volunteers for sperm donation, but things are changing, with the help of "A few good men!".

Below is an account from a recipient who shares what sperm donation meant for her and her family:

“My partner and I thought long and hard about having a family. We both wanted to be parents, and had been together happily for many years, with a supportive wider family who encouraged us to go for it. After much talking, we conceived our first baby through sperm donation (and later again with sperm from the same donor). It wasn’t something we did lightly, and I am sitting here struggling to find the words to communicate quite how important the decision was, and how having children has transformed our lives. We now have two miraculous children - a son and daughter - whom we adore, and who adore each other. They are bright, happy, confident kids, who have brought so much joy, not just to us, but to our parents (particularly one set who thought they would never be grandparents), and to our sisters, brother and nieces. Sperm donation is the most incredible life-transforming gift, and we are forever grateful to the wonderful man who made it possible for us to create a family.”  

There are many more touching stories like this which brings home the reality of what becoming a sperm donor means. Although donating may be inconvenient at times you really are an important part of many people's dream of parenthood.

If you are fit and healthy and aged between 18 and 41 we would be delighted to hear from you!

We welcome men from all walks of life and every background.  The women who come to us for donor sperm are from very diverse backgrounds but they all share one common desire - to have a child, and contrary to many misconceptions, the realities are:

1. Your legal status does not change by becoming a donor.  The law means that children born as a result of your donations can find out who you are at age 18 but you will have no legal rights or responsibilities over any child conceived with your donations
2  You are in control – you can change your mind at any time and have choices regarding how your sperm is used.
3. You can donate your sperm regardless of your sexual orientation, gay or straight, we want to hear from you- we are more interested in your life experiences and reasons for donating
4. You will not have hundreds of children all over the UK with your genes, you have the right to specify the number of families you are comfortable donate to,, up to the maximum of 10. 

For more information give us a call on 020 7563 4305 or drop us an email on